Liu, F., Wang, Y*., Wang, N., Ye, Z., & Fang, S. (in press). Embracing the Ebb and Flow of Life: A Latent Profile Analysis of Impermanence and Its Association with Mental Health Outcomes Among Chinese College Students. Mindfulness. (SSCI; Q1)
Wu, W., Wang, Y*., & Huang, R. (2023). Teachers matter: Exploring the impact of perceived teacher affective support and teacher enjoyment on L2 learners’ grit and burnout. System. (SSCI; Q1)
Lai, C*., Chen, Q., Wang, Y., & Qi, X. (2023). Individual Interest, Self-Regulation and Self-Directed Language Learning with Technology beyond the Classroom. British Journal of Educational Technology.(SSCI; Q1)
Wang, Y., & Xu, J*. (2023). A Latent Profile Analysis of L2 Writing Emotions and Their Relations to Writing Buoyancy, Motivation and Proficiency. Applied Linguistics Review. (SSCI; Q1)
Liu, F., Chui, H., Chong, E. S. K., & Wang, Y.* (2023). LGBQ Affirmative Practice and Psychological Well-Being in China. Journal of Counseling Psychology. (SSCI; Q1)
Xu, J., & Wang, Y.* (2023). Individual differences in L2 writing feedback-seeking behaviors: The predictive roles of various motivational constructs. Assessing Writing.(SSCI; Q1)
Xu, J., & Wang, Y.* (2023). The impact of academic buoyancy and emotions on university students’ self‑regulated learning strategies in L2 writing classrooms. Reading and Writing. (SSCI; Q1)
Shen, B., Wang, Y*., Yang, Y., & Yu, X. (2023). Relationships Between Chinese University EFL Learners’ Academic Emotions and Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Strategies: A Structural Equation Model. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI; Q1)
Wang, Y., & Liu, F*. (2023). Emotional Intelligence and Second/Foreign Language Achievement: A Meta-analytic Review. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI; Q1)
Xu, J., & Wang, Y*. (2022). The differential mediating roles of ideal and ought-to L2 writing selves between growth mindsets and self-regulated writing strategies. System. (SSCI; Q1)
Chung, M., Wang, Y*., Wu, X., Wang, N., Liu, F., & Ye, Z. (2022). Comparison between emerging adults and adults in terms of contamination fear, post-COVID-19 PTSD and psychiatric comorbidity. Current Psychology. (SSCI; Q3)
Wang, N., Chung, M., Liu, F., & Wang, Y. (2022). Posttraumatic stress on Chinese adolescents’ posttraumatic growth: The role of trauma centrality and emotion regulation. Current Psychology. (SSCI; Q3)
Wang, Y., Shen, B*., & Yu, X. (2021). A latent profile analysis of EFL learners’ self-efficacy: Associations with academic emotions and language proficiency. System.(SSCI; Q1)
Wang, Y., Chung, M. C., Wang, N., & Justin Kenardy*. (2021). Social support and posttraumatic stress disorder: a meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Clinical Psychology Review, 85. (SSCI, Q1; 高被引; IF=12)
Wang, Y., Chung, M. C., & Wang, N*. (2021). Parenting revisited: Profiles and associations with psychological distress among traumatized Chinese adolescents. Current Psychology. (SSCI; Q1)
Fang, S., Chung, M. C., & Wang, Y*. (2020). The impact of past trauma on psychological distress: The roles of defense mechanisms and alexithymia. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:992. (SSCI, Q2)
Wang, N., Chung, M. C., & Wang, Y*. (2020). The relationship between posttraumatic stress disorder, trauma centrality, posttraumatic growth and psychiatric co-morbidity among Chinese adolescents. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 49:101940.(SSCI; Q2)
Wang, Y., & Chung, M. C*. (2020). Linking rejection sensitivity, shyness and unsociability with posttraumatic stress disorder and psychiatric co-morbidity among Chinese adolescents. Psychiatric Quarterly, 91(2), 309-319. (SSCI, Q3)
王亚冰 & 黄运亭*(2022). 自我效能感与二语成就关系的元分析. 《外语界》3, 89-96.(CSSCI)
薛荷仙 & 王亚冰*(2022). 外语情绪调节策略与外语情绪:基于潜在剖面分析. 《外语教学》, 43(4), 62-68.(CSSCI)